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Miraculous: How Good Is Season 4? | Discussion and Review


Updated: May 31, 2022

2015 - Present: Animation/Action/Adventure

***Spoilers Ahead***


Today is a wonderful, miraculous day to introduce my first ever review on a TV series! That’s a pun because I’m totally great at making jokes on the spot. Anyways, while I am a huge lover of films and will be continuing my reviews on them, I also enjoy various forms of media entertainment, with TV shows being primarily at the top of that last. I have a number of favorites from all genres that I believe to be wonderfully written, making it ironic that my first review will be over Season 4 of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, which is debatable in terms of its scripts.

Nonetheless, it’s very apparent I have still watched all seasons thus far, showcasing the hold this show still manages to have on me that always leaves me bingeing and obsessing over all content related to it after finishing an episode. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into the season 4 review of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir! Enjoy!

How Good Is Season 4?

To put it simply, while season 4 wasn’t 100% perfect and contained some needed improvements, I do not think it was bad. In fact, I’d go as far to say that it was one of the best. Instead of the show feeling like an episodic, monster-of-the-week storyline, there were instances where previous actions actually had an impact in other episodes. The writing team has taken to developing mini arcs and lingering consequences to establish depth and greater complexity to the story that, while not always successful and sometimes coming across as experimental, still made it feel as though the story was progressing.

For example, Luka learned both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identity, while Alya learned Marinette’s Ladybug, providing the 14-year-old guardian of the miraculous with much needed extra help and support. Additionally, there were definitive conclusions to the alternate romance storylines involving Luka and Kagami, we witnessed Felix engage in a massive standoff with Gabriel after learning Hawkmoth’s identity, Chloe’s half-sister joined the group while getting her own story arc, then, finally, we had Gabriel Agreste get his hands on all the miraculous in the season finale, Strikeback!

All this development allowed for characters to shine in ways they previously didn’t before, making for a stronger story where viewers connected and learned more about them. Alya had a massive boost to her character after learning Marinette’s Ladybug, even becoming a, at one-point, permanent holder of the Fox miraculous, and Ladybug’s confidant/sidekick. Gabriel actually thought of creative plans that FINALLY managed to have some successes, instead of the continuous failures he had in the last three seasons in which he was outsmarted by 14-year-old kids.

Felix brought some much-needed tension and plot development to this show that, almost single-handedly, made this finale the best of all seasons! In only three episodes, he managed to discover and enter into Gabriel’s secret safe/room, gain access to all the miraculous, use said miraculous to extort Gabriel for the peacock, and make Gabriel seem like even more of an idiot (loved that). All this to say that, despite there being a fair amount of fails within the show fans can complain about, there was also a multitude of positives to takeaway from it! As a huge fan of character development, it’s safe to say I think some background, hidden characters got a chance to shine a bit.

Criticisms: Adrien and Marinette

In terms of criticisms, I do have to say I was not a fan of the way the alternative love stories ended. It felt rushed, as if not wanting to leave the comfort zone of Marinette and Adrien being the only straight-path couple. And while I would've been more pleased with this storyline had they utilized the space to actually have Adrien and Marinette bond without her constantly stuttering and running away from him, they, surprise, didn't do that. Adrien still couldn't hang out because of his dad, and Marinette still acted a mess around someone who supposedly is one of her closest friends.

They've known each other for awhile now and proclaim to be good friends, so why do the writers continually insist on making her a stalkerish, stuttering girl almost completely unable to have a full conversation? For a show centered around this couple being meant for each other, why have we not had a full episode devoted to them bonding and talking in a normal capacity that is not reset at the end?

Marinette is a strong-willed girl with a immense sense of justice who has no problem standing up for her friends and anyone in trouble, yet still that development is severely reduced every time she talks to Adrien. Season one and two, I can understand her nervousness and stuttering (not the stalking tho. That's beyond creepy), as she is 14 years old. But season three and four when they're supposed to be good friends and Marinette is a "girlboss" exuding independence and confidence, as Thomas Astruc, the show's creator, always claims? Come on.

Criticisms: Luka and Kagami

Luka and Kagami were perfect for Adrien and Marinette right now because they connected and understood our main characters in times they needed. Plus, they had full episodes to bond with their alternative love interests, unlike our main pair who really only connected when transformed to their hero counterparts (which also was reduced this season). Had the relationships been explored a bit while Marinette and Adrien took the time to get to know each other more as friends, finally deciding to split with Luka and Kagami due to recognition of their feelings for one another, that would've made a more interesting storyline.

Obviously not saying Adrien and Marinette cheat on Kagami and Luka, but maybe they could've had the simple, private realization within themselves that their current relationships aren't right for them, and it's unfair for to be with their current partners if they have feelings for someone else. Adrien and Marinette don't have to reveal their feelings for one another just yet, but I would've actually liked them to have experienced other relationships and feelings for someone else outside of purely being destined for each other. Realistically, they're still very young and shouldn't already have this much obsessed dependence on liking someone else - aka, Ladybug for Adrien and Adrien for Marinette. Heck, at one point, Chat Noir was willing to cataclysm himself from the depression of season 4 events with Ladybug!

Criticisms: Zoe

Zoe, without getting into too much detail, felt like a filler character meant to take the place of the bee miraculous and be the nicer version of Chloe; she even looks like a less glamorized, girl next door version of her. Zoe came out of nowhere as Chloe's half-sister, making it clear Chloe's mom, Audrey Bourgeois, had an affair (for a kid's show, that's some real TEA!). Moreover, Zoe's a bit boring despite having two episodes devoted to her character arc. Not a fan of this character unless they intend to make her a more established, interesting person within Marinette's inner circle.

Criticisms: Chat Noir and Adrien Neglect

To briefly summarize the rest, the magical charms Ladybug created felt useless seeing how Hawkmoth easily found out how to bypass their effects, there were several filler episodes, "Lies" was one of the few episodes that put focus on Adrien's perspective (who's legit in the title of the show), and Chat Noir was wrongly mistreated for the sake of plot. There definitely could've been a lot more explored with the Chat Noir feeling unwanted storyline that didn't make him an idiot and, at times, a useless character.

Again, for a character that is in THE TITLE, he is frequently knocked down and given less screen time to boost up Ladybug/Marinette. Hawkmoth is his father, his mother died, he's Ladybug/Marinette's love interest, he's a uber famous kid with a tragic, behind the scenes back story - yet he's continuously given less story and mistreated by writers?! Make that make sense, please.

Needless to say, the finale episode was simply amazing, and I'm looking forward to season 5 while seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir have to come together as team again to get the other miraculous back from Hawkmoth.

Anyways, that concludes my review of season 4 for Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir! If you want to see more in-depth reviews/analysis of specific storylines, check out my page in the "TV Show" tab. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more! ^_^


About Me ^_^


I am a 21-year-old college student studying screenplay and journalistic writing. I am a huge animal lover, gamer, and fan of learning about other languages and cultures. However, in the meantime, I enjoy watching TV and movies, hence, why I will be reviewing them through this blog. ^_^

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